Monday, July 11, 2011

Camera Ready on DFW Closeup

Earlier this spring I was honored to be featured on a local news program, DFW Closeup demonstrating the techniques I teach in my "camera ready" makeup sessions. My model, the daughter of a station employee has beautiful skin but, needed some correction of darkness under her eyes. As I mentioned in my post "Makeup Lesson On Location" under-eye circles are the number one beauty trouble zone. I made up half of her face prior to the taping of the show then, demonstrated on camera some of the key concepts behind getting "camera ready." In just five minutes you'll see lots of great tips and information in this news segment. Contact me for your personal or group session to learn makeup techniques that will take you from the boardroom to the ballroom.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Classic is Forever

A simple but elegant chignon for the Marina film shoot;  perfect for a black tie event, wedding or, in this case a night of dinner, dancing, and gambling on a luxury vacation cruise. I really enjoyed the chance to create pretty and classic looks for the Marina film shoot. A bit of glamour mixed into daily life is just so civilized - even if it is staged. To see other hairstyles go here.

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